Right now, I'm caught in the whirlwind that is packing and moving, saying goobye while savoring last moments all while planning and looking forward. God has called Rev. Hubby to pastor in a town just about an hour from where we live. We're moving back to his hometown, to the church where he grew up and served as an associate pastor for 10 years. We're so excited to join what God is doing there.
However, being called to a new ministry means being called from another ministry. And that's the part that is so hard.
Having lived here for a little over three years means that I, as the kind of woman I am, have just now had enough time to get to know the ladies here and call them good friends. Two of the three Chickadees have memories from here only. All they know is the parsonage and the walk up the hill to church. Our neighbors the cows and going to the hardware store to visit the bunnies and the chicks. Getting a hotdog and an ice cream cone from the grocery store in town.
I think I'm getting nostalgic about my life in general. (Those older than I can chuckle now.) I am realizing that I've said a lot of goodbyes in my 35 years. Moving the summer before 7th grade, from high school to college, ministry partners the summer after junior year, from college to the beach, from the beach to Rev. Hubby's hometown when we married, then off to seminary for a year, back to the hometown and finally to where we now live.
And here we are moving again. Purging toys and clothes and house decorations that haven't seen the light of day in 3 years. And my heart hurts. Particularly for those relationships that are going to have to change and to adapt to distance. But also for all of the friendships that have already changed and adapted.
So I'm going to make a choice. A very important choice. A choice to recognize the huge blessings in my life that each of these friendships represent. The precious gift from God that He has given me to know so many wonderful people and to be a part of their lives and to have them be a part of mine and my family's.
This choice doesn't mean I'll ignore the heartache and the grieving that is taking place as I think about not seeing my current (for five more days!) church family on a regular basis. But rather than thinking about what I seem to be losing, I'll focus on how my life has been forever enriched and shaped by the blessing of true friendship.
Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.
John 15:13
New International Verson 1984