I'm Chrissy. Between ministering alongside Rev. Hubby and mothering my three Chickadees, life can get pretty busy. God is faithful to teach me through the everyday things. Nothing complicated. Just finding His treasures in today.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Routine Maintenance

Courtesy of Google Images
Rev. Hubby took my car to the shop a couple of weeks ago because it needed an oil change. And the tires needed to be rotated. And, it turns out, a lug nut on one of the wheels had to be replaced. Confession: The oil should have been changed about 1,000 miles ago. I knew it was overdue, but I just didn't have the time to be car-less while it was getting worked on. This is not an uncommon practice for me. Pushing the oil change to the limit. I hope in the long run there is no damage done to the engine. Maybe there's just a little. Not enough to make much of a difference now, but, over time, those overdue oil changes can add up to some major problems! 
How many times have I noticed a little "something" going on in my life that needs to be addressed, but I don't take the time to address it? "It's not a big deal," I tell myself.  Maybe it's a call I need to make, a relationship I need to nurture, a sin I need to confess. But I can put it off--just a little longer. I mean, compared to a lot of other things that could be going on, I'm doing pretty good. No damage done. Right?
But then I remember my standard of comparison: God's holiness. The only standard that makes any difference. I can't compare my actions to those of a baby-abandoning mother or a dictator on the other side of the world. My shortcomings are just as ugly as theirs and greive the heart of God just as much.  But I ignore it. I'll deal with it later. I wonder what long-term damage may come because of those times I've chosen to put off being honest with myself and with God.
Don't misunderstand me. I am so thankful that God is a Redeemer! He takes the ugly and hurtful things of the world and makes them beautiful and healing. However, there is a consequence for sin. And that is something that cannot be ignored. And so, I am thankful for being reminded, by my car of all things, to make sure I take care of those little "somethings" before they are left to cause real damage. 


  1. Loved this. I'm so glad you are sharing your wisdom this way.

  2. Thanks for your words! I think you should write a devotional book...

  3. Wow, thanks ladies. I guess that's why I started writing this stuff down. I thought that others could glean from everyday happenings just like I do. I guess it's no different than Jesus teaching in parables about farming and winemaking and baking. Now He's teaching through a Chrysler Pacifica!
