I'm Chrissy. Between ministering alongside Rev. Hubby and mothering my three Chickadees, life can get pretty busy. God is faithful to teach me through the everyday things. Nothing complicated. Just finding His treasures in today.

Friday, April 8, 2011

God Thinks You're Beautiful

I was wandering down memory lane and recalled a song I learned in college. It's a simple chorus called "More Precious Than Silver." Here are the words:

Lord, You are more precious than silver.
Lord, You are more costly than gold.
Lord, You are more beautiful than diamonds
And nothing I desire compares to you.

Some years later, at a camp, some friends and I were preparing to lead a group of middle and high school students in a time of worship through song, and we decided to sing this one. Brad, the guitarist, suggested we sing the song a couple of times in worship to God, and then sing it a little differently one last time. 
Rather than tell how we sang it, I want you to experience it for yourself.  Through reading, of course, instead of singing, unless you know the tune. 

Read (sing) along--
Lord, You are more precious than silver.
Lord, You are more costly than gold.
Lord, You are more beautiful than diamonds
And nothing I desire compares to you.

Now, imagine that God Himself, your heavenly Father, is singing to you these words:
Child, you are more precious than silver.
Child, you are more costly than gold.
Child, you are more beautiful than diamonds
And nothing I desire compares to you.

He loves you, thus Easter!

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.
John 3:16-17
New International Version

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the reminder of how much he loves us! We've loved teaching this chorus to our girls; not only do we want them to know this Truth, but it reminds us of special times at Furman.
